Are you financially ready to buy a home? Your cash There are several expenses incurred when buying a home. These are expenses that must be paid before, at closing and after. It’s important that you have these funds ready and available once you start the process. Some of these funds may be gifted but check with your lender. Some lender will ask for a letter stating that the funds are a gift and not a loan. Below you will find the closing costs for a home purchased for $150,000.00 and using an FHA loan.* This is just an estimate. Exact figures will vary based on your closing date, lender and title company. Home Price - $150,000 Down Payment - $5,250 Interest Rate - 3.750% PITI (principal, interest, taxes and insurance) - $1,238 Prepaid costs: Prepaid items are always required at loan closing, whereas escrow accounts are only required in certain cases. Even if you close your loan right before the month's end, you owe your lender at least a few day...